Flexible rent payments
Trusted by 500,000+ renters. Flex helps you pay your rent on time, improve cash flow, and build credit history.
Flexible rent payments
Trusted by 500,000+ renters. Flex helps you pay your rent on time, improve cash flow, and build credit history.
Why people love Flex
Great for building credit and managing funds
Great! I find this very convenient to help with building credit while doing something you do every month- pay rent. I also love the fact that I can split my payments up in two payments. 10/10!
Malcolm Gordon
Great for building credit and managing funds
Great! I find this very convenient to help with building credit while doing something you do every month- pay rent. I also love the fact that I can split my payments up in two payments. 10/10!
Malcolm Gordon
Budget saver
Cash flow is king — Flex allowed me to get my budget under control and get off the teeter totter. I’ve been able to start putting money away without an increase in income just by stabilizing my monthly cash flow — thank you Flex.
Michael Barrow
Flex has made paying rent exciting, and it looks nice too.
That's why I chose to use Flex. It's building credit on something I believe we should already be able to build credit on in the first place.
Elaine Ma Want to learn more?
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