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Tech and flexible payments: elevating resident living

Discover the hidden links between payment flexibility and operational success. Uncover how leading properties are leveraging innovative payment solutions to drive satisfaction and efficiency.


of lease non-renewals are preventable by enhancing the living experience


of industry professionals currently offer flexible payments compared to the 84% of residents who actually want them

9.7 hrs

spent per month per property manager chasing down rent on industry average

3.6 pts

average increase in ORA® score for properties that offer flexible payments than those that don’t

In this report, dive deep into:

  • The disconnect between resident priorities and industry offerings
  • How flexible payments boost resident satisfaction by 85%
  • The impact of technology on operational efficiency and rent collection
  • Current challenges in technology implementation and how to overcome them
  • Future trends shaping the rental housing industry. Plus, …predictions for the rental housing industry in the next 5 years

Download the full report to learn how embracing innovative technologies can give your properties a competitive edge in resident retention, operational efficiency, and overall resident satisfaction.