Navigating rental property management in the new digital economy

Navigating rental property management in the digital economy

Handling resident requests. ✔️Arranging viewings. ✔️Sprucing up properties. ✔️Analyzing portfolio revenue performance. ✔️ These tasks are part and parcel of being a property manager. But with a seemingly endless task list, it’s tough to work out which tasks will get your business ahead. Too much on your plate can have huge knock-on effects, from burnout […]

Property managers are winning with digital transformation. Here’s how you can too.

How property managers are winning with digital transformation

Make no mistakes about it: the world has gone digital. Digital transformation accelerated by 7 years during the pandemic, and the tech takeover shows no signs of slowing down. Global spending on digital transformation hit a whopping $1.3 trillion in 2020 and is tipped to reach $3.4 trillion by 2026. The best part? Innovative solutions […]