Make rent
work for you

Welcome to a flexible and rewarding
way to pay rent.

Build your credit history

Your on-time rent payments are
reported to TransUnion, helping
you build your future.

Help you pay rent on time

Split your rent into smaller
payments, so you can rest easy
each month.

Improve your cash flow

Pay your rent over the month, so
you can plan for the things that
matter most to you.

Make rent
work for you

Welcome to a flexible

and rewarding way

to pay rent.

Build your credit history

Your on-time rent payments are reported to TransUnion, helping you build your future.

Help you pay rent on time

Split your rent into smaller payments, so you can rest easy each month.

Improve your cash flow

Pay your rent over the month, so you can plan for the things that matter most to you. 

How Flex works

With Flex, each rent payment contributes to your credit history. You can also split your monthly rent into smaller payments using a Flex line of credit. You have the flexibility to choose your payment dates to better align with your finances, or pay directly in the app when it’s convenient for you.
With Flex, each rent payment contributes to your credit history. You can also split your monthly rent into smaller payments using a Flex line of credit. You have the flexibility to choose your payment dates to better align with your finances, or pay directly in the app when it’s convenient for you.
You pay part of your rent
up front.
We help pay your rent in
full to your property when
it’s due.
You pay the rest later in
the month.

Why people love Flex